Friday, March 19, 2010

Congress to the Rescue!

Congress' next step in creating jobs

Lawmakers' primary effort to date -- a $17.6 billion tax credit and infrastructure initiative that the president signed into law Thursday -- is quite small, said Kurt Karl, chief U.S. economist with Swiss Re.

The primary effort started on Thursday apparently. Yes, I know it has only been a day so far. Yes, I know it only represents about $1,180 per unemployed American. Let's look at the unemployment chart anyway. Maybe there's something we can see lurking within it.

Wow. It's been 2 years. Where has all the time gone?

Gloomy Americans Bash Congress, Are Divided on Obama

When asked for a single word that best describes their impression of Congress, “dysfunctional,” “corrupt,” “self-serving” and “inept” are volunteered most frequently. Of people offering a one-word description, 86% have something negative to say, while only 4% say something positive.

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