Thursday, January 20, 2011


Economic Disconnect points out that cattle prices are stampeding.

Okay. I admit it. I was just looking for any excuse to embed the video and lock in LOLCattle's place as an up and coming online media empire.

Inflation is SO funny! Don't you think? Bah! Back to the drawing board.


  1. stagflation means inflation in that which we need, deflation in that which we want.

    Price discovery is no fun when the consumer is tapped out.

    my thesis is that a lot of price inflation can be offset by rents and land price push-down.

    Eg. if gas were $10 home price gradients would fall tremendously, relative to commuting distance of course.

  2. Troy,

    "Price discovery is no fun when the consumer is tapped out."

    Great quote.

    It would also imply that price discovery is no fun when the consumer is unemployed.

    We need to start thinking up some sustainable jobs.
