Sunday, July 15, 2012

Where Are the Aluminum Speculators?

Click to enlarge.

Surely we won't hyperinflate without their help.

See Also:
Gold vs. All Commodities (PPI) v.2

Source Data:
USGS: Historical Mineral Prices
Kitco: Base Metals
St. Louis Fed: PPI: All Commodities



    yellow is gold, black is oil, blue is gold / sqrt(oil)

    Dunno if this is any good, just a wild idea I had.

    Saddens me that I could have been buying an ounce of gold every month for the past 25 years.

    Then again a single share of AAPL every month 1987-2004 would have done better . . . 300oz worth at Friday's close.

    AAPL is going to be larger than XOM and MSFT put together (if current trends continue this year and next).

    In the MRQ Apple made $18B after COGS and $3B in operating overhead from that. Insane.

  2. We're well stocked with cooking foil, thank you.

  3. Troy,

    Saddens me that I could have been buying an ounce of gold every month for the past 25 years.

    If only I had put the money on 23 instead of 22! ;)

  4. dearieme,

    I think we may form the elite core of aluminum speculators. ;)
