Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Repair and Maintenance Employees per Capita

Click to enlarge.

Why would we need more repairs? What's the worst that could happen?

Yeah, it's been getting worse and worse. Oh, it's taking forever to flush. It's like it's stopped up. We've been dumping a lot of sand in there from our floors.

I'm putting in support beams right now, posts in the basement... so we can go ahead and cut these joists out.

Have I mentioned lately that I have no desire to be a landlord? ;)

Evil pranks! And yet I cannot stop laughing, lol. Well, that's not quite true. A quick look back at that first chart stops me. Sigh.

Source Data:
BLS: Employment
St. Louis Fed: Population


  1. The first video @ 10:00:

    There's a bunch of mold in one of our bedrooms. It's all over the walls and all over the ceiling and stuff. I don't know if you have experience with meth labs...

    Over the top, lol.

  2. We'll see how Blackstone and other PE shops make out as landlords:


    Seems like a headache investment, but maybe they can offload it to a bagholder pension fund.

  3. Rob Dawg,

    I was laughing and cringing simultaneously. Still am, lol. Sigh.

  4. mab,

    Seems like a headache investment, but maybe they can offload it to a bagholder pension fund.

    June 4, 2007
    Looking for Mr. Bagholder: America's Pension Funds

    Whatever the case, most people would probably assume that it has not been the nation's biggest pension funds, those heavily monitored fiduciaries with a cornucopia of resources at their disposal and instant access to the most knowledgeable contacts. Yet, they would be wrong. In "Banks Sell 'Toxic Waste' CDOs to Calpers, Texas Teachers Fund," Bloomberg's David Evans reports that even those who should know better have been taken in by the high-yield siren song of new age Frankenstein finance.

  5. Big finance requires big Government. Big Government doesn't require big finance.

  6. mab,

    Big finance requires big Government. Big Government doesn't require big finance.

    I can relate to this. It reminds me of my previous marriage. "Big finance" seems to require ever increasing levels of "big government" support in order to maintain the same level of happiness, lol. Sigh.

    Gallows humor.
