Thursday, May 19, 2016

Absolute Proof That America's Top Executives Are Dangerously Underpaid

May 19, 2016
Ex-Dean Foods chairman charged with insider trading

Davis misappropriated funds from the charity in August 2011 to finance repayment of a gambling debt he owed to a Las Vegas casino, the SEC complaint charged.

Assuming his gambling expenses were set in stone, if his income would have been twice as much then he may not have needed to allegedly misappropriate funds from an emergency shelter for battered women and their children to finance his lifestyle.

This isn't rocket science people. Top executive pay must be increased to prevent this tragedy from ever happening again.

As for the actual insider trading charges, who really wants to dig into all those gory details? A professional golfer scores big? Sneak previews of quarterly earnings announcements? Boys will be boys.

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