Thursday, December 13, 2007

Eating Out vs. Eating at Home v.2

This chart shows the retail sales at food service and drinking places as a percentage of sales made at food service and drinking places AND food and beverage stores.

The behavior change continues.

I'll have more charts of retail sales once the CPI is released tomorrow.

See Also:
Eating Out vs. Eating at Home

Source Data:
Food Service and Drinking Places Sales
Food and Beverage Store Sales


  1. I'm certainly part of that trend - homebrewing, learning how to bake, cooking up Thai food like a storm. I'm on a budget.

    And the only Micky-Ds in my hippie-dippie town (Burlington, VT) closed a few months ago, so that temptation is removed. (I am a sucker for an occasional Big Mac. Mmmm, grease.)

  2. F. Frederson,

    I am a sucker for an occasional Big Mac. Mmmm, grease.

    I go for the occasional double cheeseburger, from the dollar menu. Just doin' my part to keep the economy rolling, one dollar at a time!

  3. How about the Wendy's triple with cheese. Tastes great, but its a real heart clogger.

    BTW, I've never heard of a McDonalds closing before.

  4. I must admit I've eaten the triple in the distant past, with fries and a frosty!

    I was much more active then though. I wouldn't do it now. I can't say it isn't tempting though, since I am a stress eater.

    Fortunately, I try to channel that stress into late night walks. You'd be surprised how far I can get on days our president speaks.

  5. BTW, I've never heard of a McDonalds closing before.

    They do, occasionally. This one was in an older stand-alone building slightly off the beaten path. UVM just opened a new student center with several vendors - none serving traditional burger-and-fries, though - which has probably has taken some business away from downtown eateries. I've seen expanded on-campus vendors destroy local business before, so I'm not surprised.

    Hopefully the site will be redeveloped into a multi-story building with a McGrease in swanky new first-floor digs.

    You'd be surprised how far I can get on days our president speaks.

    I could chew through a 2x4 when he babbles. Only 403 days to go!
