Friday, January 31, 2014

Trends with Benefits

The following chart shows the annual growth in private industry worker benefits. I'm using semiannual data to smooth out the data a bit.

Click to enlarge.

Friends with Benefits (2011) - Quotes

Jamie: Why do I get the feeling this is the first real commitment you've ever made?

Dylan: It's not. T-Mobile. Two years. And f@#$ do I regret that one!

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart


  1. Who needs to pay benefits when you have SNAP (food), Medicaid (healthcare), Obamacare (healthcare), FICA (retirement), SSDI (disability), unemployment insurance and more! The government already has you covered for everything.

    Aside, from that, you should win an webby award for "Best Post Title -- Pun or Comedy".

  2. Mr Slippery,

    Aside, from that, you should win an webby award for "Best Post Title -- Pun or Comedy".

    Hahaha! Thanks! I try. :)
