Saturday, November 15, 2014

Satirical Quote of the Day: “There are an increasing number of converts at the Fed that financial stability matters.”

November 14, 2014
Bloomberg: Asset Bubbles Are Top Concern for Heartland's Central Banker

‘Esther George has centered attention on the issue,’’ said Lawrence Goodman, a former U.S. Treasury official who is now president of the Center for Financial Stability in New York, an independent research organization. “There are an increasing number of converts at the Fed that financial stability matters.”

November 13, 2014
The Onion: Astronomers Discover Planet Identical To Earth With Orbital Space Mirror

WASHINGTON—In what many are hailing as the most significant development in the history of space exploration, NASA scientists announced Thursday that a planet seemingly identical to Earth has been discovered by the agency’s Orbital Space Mirror.

As you can see, I had the quotes of the day nailed down to just two. It was between financial stability mattering and a space mirror offering a reflection of our planet back to us. Both made me laugh. In the end, I went with the one that seemed the most satirical. It did surprise me though. Who knew Bloomberg was known for its satire?

Perhaps The Onion and Bloomberg are now working together?

November 14, 2014
Bloomberg: Satirist Onion Inc. Said to Hire Adviser for Sale

Everything in this story is actually, honestly true.

Interesting. That sounds like something The Onion might say.


  1. Stability only matters now that the 1% have acquired all the assets. The Fed knows who they work for.

  2. Anonymous,

    The 0% will eventually acquire all the assets, a singularity, a black hole if you will.
