Thursday, May 17, 2012

Savvy Chinese Strike Again!

May 17, 2012
Consumer confidence highest since 2005

China's consumer confidence in the first quarter rose to its highest level since 2005 because of falling inflationary pressure and the government's determination to deflate property bubbles, analysts Nielsen said in a report on Thursday.

Nothing inspires confidence like a popping real estate bubble!

See Also:
Savvy Chinese Know Exactly When Bubble Will Burst!
Savvy Chinese Find Market Top!


  1. They are simply stealing the intellectual property of the US housing bubble and bust. The BSA should be all over this, auditing where they got the software that runs their real estate bubble. There is probably a reward in it for a whistle blower.

    To be fair, the US is copying the Japanese bust, but don't tell any one.

  2. Mr Slippery,

    To be fair, the US is copying the Japanese bust, but don't tell any one.

    Three Wise Monkeys

    1. See no evil
    2. Hear no evil
    3. Speak no evil

    I'm apparently not a wise monkey. I intend to blog the @#$% out of it. ;)
