Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Three Horsemen of the Rubicon?

Just three? Didn't the legend imply that there would be more?

1. Conquest
2. War
3. Famine
4. Death

Which one are we missing?

See Also:
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.25
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Sarcasm Disclaimer

Source Data:
Yahoo Finance: S&P 500


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just read your older article about SLV and GLD not being good inflation hedges due to the expense ratio. I agree that aluminum foil would likely be a better hedge. While I suppose toilet paper might be a good hedge too, I'm not going to bother stocking up on TP as a hedge, because, the way things are going, I can always use the U.S. Dollar as cheap substitute for TP if necessary. Ha!

  3. JReality,

    Perhaps our "strong dollar" policy is to be taken literally! ;)

  4. I thought I heard yesterday, that the dollar is in the crapper. Opticalrecatlitis strikes again!

  5. Looks like a 30-year credit bubble to me.

  6. Charles Kiting,

    Looks like a 30-year credit bubble to me.

    What happens in 1981 stays in 1981. Oh wait. I think that only applies to music. Never mind.

  7. Mark,
    I think you are referring to Vegas.
