Here's a list of dates when the S&P 500 crossed above the 1200 level (at the close compared to the previous trading day's close).
1. 12/21/1998
2. 4/18/2001
3. 7/12/2001
4. 7/26/2001
5. 12/14/2004
6. 12/21/2004
7. 2/4/2005
8. 2/11/2005
9. 2/24/2005
10. 6/1/2005
11. 6/9/2005
12. 6/13/2005
13. 6/28/2005
14. 7/5/2005
15. 7/8/2005
16. 10/31/2005
17. 9/16/2008
18. 9/18/2008
19. 9/25/2008
20. 4/14/2010
21. 4/20/2010
22. 4/29/2010
23. 5/3/2010
24. 11/4/2010
25. 12/1/2010
Lucky #25!
This is truly a sight to behold. If the S&P 500 was an action figure just for today, my pick would be the 25th Silver Anniversary Wolverine. I mean really. Silver and Wolverine? Together? In just one product? That's a marriage made in heaven.
"It's silver! It's ****** ****ing silver!!"
Warning: There is profanity in the following video. Watch at your own risk.
25th Silver Anniversary Wolverine (Toys R Us Exclusive)
Wolverine from head to toe and claw to claw was cast in a gray-ish silver-ish plastic but was completely painted over silver for that shine and that pearly effect. I noticed the only lack of coverage was on the top side of the belt where the top of the crotch meets the bottom of the abdomen.
It's just my way of saying that stock market investors and silver investors might want to think about protecting the crotch area at some point in the future. That's all.
It is unfortunate that Hasbro opted to use plastic as a cheap alternative to actual silver. The action figure would have more than doubled in price based solely on its melt value had it been made of pure silver. Silver averaged just $13.38 an ounce when the figure was made in 2007. It's now $28.46. Go figure.
December 1, 2010
Once in a Lifetime Opportunity to Become Wealthy and Prosper
This precious metal boom is a once in a life-time opportunity. It won't last forever, and if you haven't already invested in it, you are already late to the party. So you had better take advantage of it while you still can.
Fascinating logic. I'm imagining him hovering over the "sell" button. Maybe that's just me though.
Let's see if I can verify that. I'm actually looking as I write this. No joke.
November 23, 2010
Insightful Thought For the Day
It is so easy to make money. Just buy a great deal of silver, hold it and wait for it to double or triple in a relatively short time.
Like when silver doubled from 2007 to 2010? That's a relatively short time period. I wish all my investments could double that quickly. What is one supposed to do once silver doubles or triples? Here's a hint. He goes on to say...
I am further comforted by the fact that I will always have plenty of money to spend, since silver is giving me an automatic income stream.
If silver is giving him an automatic income stream as he says, then he must be selling silver. That's the only way silver can generate an income stream. If he's selling silver, then why do you suppose he rates silver as a "strong buy"?
I wonder how many investors in general have their fingers hovering over the "sell" button these days? For example, Apple stock is now worth roughly $43 for every man, woman, and child on this planet ($290 billion market cap vs. 6.8 billion humans).
I sure hope someone is thinking of selling something someday or it will ruin my ongoing Rubicon joke.
See Also:
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.23
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.24 (Musical Tribute)
Sarcasm Disclaimer
Source Data:
Yahoo: S&P 500 Historical Prices
Kitco: Silver
1st Look at Local Housing Markets in February
Today, in the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter: 1st Look at Local
Housing Markets in February
A brief excerpt:
NOTE: The tables for active listings...
1 hour ago
Silver, stocks, bonds, it's all part of the wealth effect.
You know, Bernanke want's us to feel wealthy while we impoverish ourselves with debt.
It make perfect sense if you don't think about it.
"It make perfect sense if you don't think about it."
It's as American as baseball (or Apple's pie charts).
Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits. - Satchel Paige
Here's a scary thought.
"As American as apple pie"
The phrase “as American as baseball or apple pie” is cited from 1928. In the fall of 1974, a car jingle declared that these four things go together in the good old U.S.A.: “Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.”
1928 and 1974? Good times.
Didn't see that one coming. It's like a mix of The Great Depression and the 1970s? Go figure.
I've been looking at some Federal Reserve Cheese wheel Pie charts today.
Beaucoup cheddar!
New Product Idea
What does it do? It is an electronic bag that holds other bags. In other words, it is a modern bag holder.
Just a thought. No idea if it would sell well.
What does it do? It is an electronic bag that holds other bags. In other words, it is a modern bag holder.
That is hilarious!
I don't know much but I do know that any joke involving the "Federal Reserve Cheese wheel" must begin with "pull my finger".
Or was it pulling teeth? Or pulling our hair out? Or pulling an all nighter?
Or maybe it was just pulling our leg? God how I wish they were just pulling our leg.
Come to think of it, perhaps it was pulling out all the stops. Yeah, that's probably it. Sigh.
So do you think the iBag would sell well? Or would it sell too well? I wouldn't want it to sell so well that it created a selling panic, lol. ;)
What logically follows next?
The iBIX is the ticker symbol for the Chicago Board Options Exchange iBag Volatility Index, a popular measure of the implied volatility of iBag index options. Often referred to as the rear end index or the rear end gauge, it represents one measure of the market's expectation of "bending you forward" demand volatility over the next 30 day period.
It is currently running at historically high levels as prudent savers have been taking it in the iBIX for near on two years now.
"As American as apple pie" has always struck me as odd, since Apple Pie has always been a staple in Britain and, I'd bet, also in Normandy. And in the Netherlands, perhaps? Germany too? Since your blueberries are (I believe) rather different from ours, and you use them to very fine effect, how about "As American as blueberry pie"?
Nobody has ever lost money on iBag index options. I've backtested them 5,000 years. No losses! ;)
"As American as apple pie" has always struck me as odd, since Apple Pie has always been a staple in Britain...
Perhaps it was originally intended as sarcasm?
The Patriot Act and Homeland Security are American as apple pie?
Just a theory.
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