Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Sarcasm Report v.276

May 11, 2017
CNBC: Macy's shares plunge after huge earnings, sales miss; shows recovery a long way off

Nothing screams "recovery" like the long-term chart of the USA's department store employees since 2000. Yes, sir. Has recovery written all over it. Just need to be patient.

Speaking of easy recoveries, I'm looking for investors to help fund my state of the art Mexican 8-track tape factory. With your help, we're going to be cranking out all the hits of the 1970s just as nature intended, again.

¡Viva la recuperación!


Rob Dawg said...

Collar stays and hat pins? Seventh floor, millinery.

Stagflationary Mark said...

If you can find a color TV with these features for less money, buy it.

Rob Dawg said...

Buy two and store one away for the grandkids as an inflation hedge.

Stagflationary Mark said...

I already borrowed @ 0% to hoard typewriters, rotary phones, dial-up modems, pagers, floppy disks, disposable film cameras, and dot matrix printers!

The sweet sound of easy profits! ;)

mab said...

Yeah, but....

Rob Dawg, he's holding a cat!

Stagflationary Mark said...

Did someone say cat? What's Mr. Biggles worth?