Twitter has changed me again. This time I am an automated person apparently. My account has been locked. Not only can I not tweet, but I now can't even read the tweets of others.
Wanted me to enter phone number to verify. I enter it. Says it will text me verification code. No text ever comes. I am now in the customer service email loop. Oh, joy. Could take days to clear this up.
No idea why Twitter has been a poor investment since its IPO, but how could I? I'm just a bot. In my defense, I think I'm a good bot. Most days I even feel human as I tweet pictures and videos of my new digital German Shepherd puppy, use my advanced artificial intelligence routines to play hashtag games, and attempt to pass off as human by using Twitter to donate to a German Shepherd in Europe that needs surgery.
Thanks Twitter. I'm certainly not the first to feel dehumanized. There's plenty of that to go around these days.
Friday: Employment Report, Fed Chair Powell Speaks
[image: Mortgage Rates] Note: Mortgage rates are from
and are for top tier scenarios.
• At 8:30 AM ET, *Employment Report* fo...
2 hours ago
Social media is just not for me. I never knew anything about twitter until the recent presidential election. That said, the recent election process did show me how effective social media is. The devil may be in the details, but the masses just read the headlines.
I occasionally reads tweets of people that cut against the grain. I don't have an account, so I'm just a voyeur.
The most important thing that my limited experience with social media has shown me is that free speech isn't free anymore. People get banned from twitter for next to nothing. So sad. 1984!!!!
They apologized. I'm back on Twitter being changed in other ways 140 characters at a time.
I am concerned that there is a weird new plant next to my bed that only seems to grow when I'm sleeping though. ;)
Never even think of seeking redress from Google. What an incredible black hole of evil. I mean come on. If your intent was to do evil, what would adopt as your corporate motto?
I'd pick Don't Be Evil. Out of curiosity, what did Google pick? ;)
The only thing I know for sure is that the public motto isn't the same as the one they chant at the full dress robes ceremonies. Or so I've heard.
I sent two people in to find out what is going on, and all I got back was a bloody dagger. Very disappointing.
If you want something done right, do it yourself. I should have never sent a beautiful young virgin with a baby in my place. Shame on them for taking my money and then apparently skipping town though.
It hurts when you trust people like that and they stab you in the back.
If you paid for some Googl Analytics maybe they could use everything they know about everyone to track them down.
Is paying Google really worth the sacrifice?
Funny that you mention "sacrifice." Seems Google accepts certain alternative forms of payment.
I just sacrificed a big toenail to the opening a door while barefoot gods. So I've got that going for me, which is nice, lol. Sigh. :(
New puppy tripped me up a bit. Ouch.
Funny how when a dog trips you up it is eagerness to please and boundless affection. When a cat does it... assassination attempt.
Funny? Dogs only love!!
River (German Shepherd) baited Cicoa (Shih Tzu) last night. Cocoa was in her safe spot on the couch. River brought a toy and dropped it on the floor in front of her.
We were like, don't fall for it Cocoa. You're smarter than that!
River might not be a purebreed. May have some cat in her. ;)
One image, at least four separate relevant comments.
The image makes me laugh like a clown, but I'm crying on the inside.
I know you're busy with the new dog, so I wanted to give you a heads up that Sears is now a raging, screaming buy (~$6.30/share)! Well, at least if you have a certain investment "style" and believe in prophets.
Sears always sounds perfect for me at any price.
I just spent $10 so my puppy could attend a puppy party today, That money's gone. That's my style. Poof. ;)
EXCELLENT work with River on the 4th.
It went amazingly well. The fireworks were really loud this year, but it was all just a big game to River. :)
You think it's hot there? They're predicting upwards of 110 in Portland, and it's been almost 2 months without rain.
Most of the apartments around here don't have A/C so we went out and bought a couple portable units. The two of them do better than the central A/C we had back in LA at a fraction of the price.
p.s.: River's growing like a weed. The puppy attitude will persist, of course, but the body will say "dog" before too long!
110 in Portland? That's sky is burning weather!
River is getting harder and harder to carry cradled upside down, but I'm still doing it! ;)
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