Friday: Employment Report, Fed Chair Powell Speaks
[image: Mortgage Rates] Note: Mortgage rates are from
and are for top tier scenarios.
• At 8:30 AM ET, *Employment Report* fo...
3 hours ago
"The video was created in 2007 and we pretty much know what happened next."
Pretend you extended the coaster tracks????
I am not signing up for that ride!
Dissapointed you did not take my Financial Quiz last night.
Pretend you extended the coaster tracks????
I was kind of thinking the tracks just sort of ended right there, lol.
Dissapointed you did not take my Financial Quiz last night.
I think I would have failed your quiz. I'm in the camp that believes forever stamps will be honored.
"I'm in the camp that believes forever stamps will be honored."
Arbitrage opportunity! Didnt some guy get into trouble doing stamp arbitrage a while back??
Stamp arbitrage
So are forever stamps a good investment?
Mr Izzo thinks not because stamp prices increase with the rate of inflation, giving forever stamps a real rate of return of zero.
Hahaha! That would be true for those looking for...
A Return on Investment
For the last decade, a real rate of return of zero after taxes is called...
A Return of Investment
Plenty good enough for me! ;)
As a test of efficient markets, perhaps I should have bought lots of stamps yesterday and spent today standing outside my post office selling them at a discount. Next time.
I wonder if that is legal? Of course, selling one stamp at a time for a one penny profit (assuming you buy them at 44 cents and sell them at 45 cents to people who would have to pay 46 cents otherwise) would require 1,000 sales per hour just to make $10 per hour.
remember in the LONG run we are all dead and this inflation/deflation stuff can well outlive us both!
And I was alluding to stamp man himself:
If my forever stamps AREN'T honored I am going postal, man.
I'm serious.
The rollercoaster vid makes me sick to my stomach, but then, bank loan portfolios have been making me sick to my stomach since 2006.
What's really strange is that our official RE policy basically amounts to trying to get back on the screaming/vomiting section.
About the only way I wouldn't go postal is if they reduce the mail delivery to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at some point in order to save money.
I suppose some could argue that forever stamps would therefore no longer be honored on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
I'd be fine with that. I would not be fine with them saying I'd need to put TWO forever stamps on my first class letter in order to send it though!
What's really strange is that our official RE policy basically amounts to trying to get back on the screaming/vomiting section.
Ride safety is our highest concern. Feet inside the ride at all times! You are free to "waive" your "ARMS" in the screaming/vomiting section though! ;)
Mark and MOM,
the whole issue with capitalizing CON (eCONomic) has now gone global as everyone uses it! I blame Max Mama! I write it like that at work, and type it by habit. Unreal!
Friday Night post up in a bit.
There's CONfusion and CONundrums CONveyed as CONventional CONservative CONversions of IRA CONtributions are CONsidered CONstrained by CONvincing CONsultants CONsidered CONflicted by their CONtradictory CONnections as our eCONomic CONtraption CONveniently CONvulses.
It's a CONtagious CON CONspiracy I CONtend that CONtinues to CONtaminate CONtingent on our CONtractionary CONtorted eCONomy.
I CONcur that CON CONceivably CONstitutes an iCON in our current lexiCON CONtext. I must therefore CONcede the CON is not CONtained. That's my CONcise CONclusion based on CONcrete reCON.
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