A reader (jus me) posted this in the comments today.
It's kind of interesting that the Fed could in theory reduce the money supply, if inflation got out of hand.
No one is charged with putting gold back in the ground, if gold-mining enthusiasm gets out of hand ...
Now that would be something to see!
I think there is an inspiring new "innovative new product" idea here, lol.
Illusion of Prosperity's Wondrous Gold Preservation and Antitheft Kit!
We send you a packet in the mail. You send us your gold bullion, gold watches, and gold jewelry. Upon receiving your gold, we melt it down and keep 10% for ourselves as our fee. We then take the remaining 90% and combine it with raw earth to form very small pieces of gold ore. We then mail it back to you. We pay all shipping charges. The gold ore you receive could then be buried all over your backyard making it that much harder to be stolen by criminals, government types, and/or criminal government types.
What do you think? Would there be a market for this? Hahaha! :)
On the off chance that this takes off, I'm not a complete charlatan. I'd feel obligated to send jus me royalty checks for inspiring the idea, lol.
February 21st COVID Update: COVID in Wastewater Declining
[image: Mortgage Rates]Note: Mortgage rates are from MortgageNewsDaily.com
and are for top tier scenarios.
For deaths, I'm currently using 4 weeks ago for ...
3 hours ago
Where do I sign up???
Great stuff all day Mark, and great comments by all as well. Makes blogging and reading them fun.
Based on the current feedback of my idea (100% positive, 1 out of 1, lol), I'm already planning Tonka type backyard mining equipment toys to help strip mine Mom's flower garden!
The gold ore could then be sent back to me and after once again keeping a portion (presumably higher than 10%) of it as a fee, the remaining gold could be used to create wondrous gold plated watches made in the great nation of China! Win win!
gold watch -> gold ore -> wondrous gold watch!
I'm thinking I could advertise both the mining toys and wondrous gold watches near the x-ray glasses in popular comic books! ;)
I'm thinking I could advertise both the mining toys and wondrous gold watches near the x-ray glasses in popular comic books!
Don't forget about the sea monkeys either. You're definitely going to want your add near those. They're hard to train by the way. In general, monkeys make terrible pets.
I say we go for 30% fee, the gold bugs will never miss it!
PS, I have a license to drive dump tucks so we are golden.
In general, monkeys make terrible pets.
We visited an animal rescue (which was actually just a house in a suburban neighborhood) in order to buy a parrot. There was a monkey in the living room in a small cage. There was an empty larger cage there too but it was being cleaned.
We were told to stay away from the monkey. We didn't really need to be told that though.
The monkey was repeating a cycle. It would touch one particular part of its cage with its finger, move to the other side and touch another particular part of its cage with its finger, then spend the next 5 seconds or so staring directly at us and hoping to make eye contact. It would then repeat. This cycle was amazingly effective at telling us that the monkey wished us bodily harm.
I left my checkbook in the car. I went out to get it. When I came back I saw the monkey's owner nursing a new wound on her finger (the monkey got her) while simultaneously watching the money jumping both itself and its cage towards my girlfriend.
This was a monkey rescue. It might not be typical of all monkeys. I can say that I have absolutely no desire to own a monkey though! Sharks have nothing on monkeys. At least with sharks you could get out of the water in theory!
I would also add that monkeys are the animals I would least like to meet in the wild.
How to Prevent or Survive a Monkey Attack
1. Learn that whatever the situation is, never heckle a monkey.
This may seem like a joke, but I am totally onboard. The odds of me heckling a monkey are zero.
3. Recognize that even if the monkey is in a cage or enclosure, you need to stay a distance away from the cage. Do not put your hands on the cage, either. Just watch from a distance.
Be especially concerned if the cage actually comes to you!
6. ...The monkey can run, jump and climb better than you....
It also has a much better ability to freak you out. Big time. Seriously, lol.
I said "money jumping". I meant "monkey jumping". Freudian slip!
I say we go for 30% fee...
Sounds good.
After one cycle, we'll have enhanced the value of the gold by -37% (0.9 x 0.7 = 063).
Perhaps we can offer a 5% discount for repeat customers though.
gold watch -> gold ore -> gold watch -> gold ore -> gold watch
The fine print:
You may notice that your gold watch is getting smaller and cheaper looking each cycle. This is normal and nothing to be concerned about.
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