Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Andy Xie on Oil

QE2 is responsible for higher oil prices: Xie

Instead, financial speculation, fueled by the rise in money supply via QE2, is responsible for the increase.

Apparently Andy Xie is not a believer in Paul Krugman's twisted logic.

How is higher priced oil going to help return us to prosperity?


Mr Slippery said...

You are missing the beauty of an oil price spiral. We all get rich trading oil futures contracts back and forth to each other. In the process, Wall Street gets a cut of the fees and the IRS gets a share of the profits. Everyone wins!

Stagflationary Mark said...

Mr Slippery,

Burning Money Chemistry Demonstration

This $20 is on fire, but it is not being consumed by the flames.

Churning Money Chemistry Demonstration

This $20 is on fire, and it is being consumed by the flames.

Mr Slippery said...

Ha! Churn 'em and Burn 'em. We're back in business with BluStar Airlines. I made $84 today on a trade and it cost $14 in commissions. A sweet 16.6% for my broker.

Stagflationary Mark said...

Mr Slippery,

Nice! Don't forget to give our government its fair share of those profits.

I'm looking forward to seeing the drop in our national debt! ;)