Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fauxy Economy (Musical Tribute)

"There's a method to the madness." - mab

They want to go back. We have to stop them.

This is actually a "faux" movie trailer. I thought it appropriate based on the fauxiness of our prosperity.

Urban Dictionary: Fauxing out

The act of faux going out with a girl or boy. A situation where they believe you are in a monogamous relationship but your action, when not with them, do not reflect this fact.

Here's an example. The Fed is fauxing out the public while simultaneously courting our banking system (their one and only true love).

So without further adieu, here's the musical tribute.

Fauxy 'Nanke


We know he will loot brittle taxpayers
And we know he is Street's brittle debtmaker

He will not take our homes
He won't do us no harm, no, ha!
Our loans won't be denied, denied
Oh fauxy 'Nanke!


Now we see him, he's claiming, "Unforeseen!"
He makes us want to blame the mainstream!

Ah, Bennie listen now

Our wealth's being mined
We're tired of hoarding all these precious dimes
As loans were SO denied, denied
Fauxy 'Nanke


You will note that the "x" in "faux" is no longer silent. I can explain.

faux pas

"In French, it is employed literally to describe a physical loss of balance...

What we actually have is cunning central bank fox paws and a physical loss in balance sheets. The distinction is important and yet subtle.


mab said...


Fax paws - nice!

I was zoning out on the stairmaster with my iPod recently and I couldn't stop mentally giving tributes to Bernanke. Here's an example:


Ooo, you make us rich now Benny.....

I was picturing Wall St. fraudsters expressing gratitude to Bernanke. Weird, I know, but it helps pass the time while exercising - something I've been doing to extremes lately.

EconomicDisconnect said...

That movie looks AWESOME!!!

Sent you an email you may like.

Stagflationary Mark said...


You make me live now Honey!

Okay, I'm clearly biased. Our dog's name is Honey.

I was zoning out on the stairmaster with my iPod recently and I couldn't stop mentally giving tributes to Bernanke.

Now look what you've done. I've got a Queen Rhapsody lurking within that needs to be released today! ;)

Stagflationary Mark said...


VERY amusing link!

How The Humble Pun ‘Enabled The Rise Of Modern Civilization’