Nevermind that I never actually participated in the UK POWERBALL LOTTERY. Apparently just having an email address was all that I needed!
I found the following in my inbox today.
Attn: Sir/Madam,
Result of POWERBALL LOTTERY organized annually in
United Kingdom has being released consequently
you have just being approved a lump sum payment of
1,000,000 Euro as your e-mail address emerged one of
our lucky winners.
Result of 1,000,000 lucky Euro has being released consequently my way forthwith!
My CONsumer CONfidence being higher never! I shopping mall backing truck up 500,000 Euro handbag designers being purchased!
Saving other 500,000 Euro not all of it chickens hatched lest my hopes being too high too much though. In words other, I'll see it all believe it not exactly.
Wednesday: Architecture Billings Index
[image: Mortgage Rates] From Matthew Graham at Mortgage News Daily: Mortgage
Rates Unimpacted by New Executive Orders
Bonds were thus able to hold onto the...
6 hours ago
I have a CONfession. I'm not CONfident that the money will reach me. I can't CONfirm that I've actually won that CONsiderable sum. When I CONsulted with my attorney, he CONcocted some crazy CONspiracy theory, said I should CONsider the CONsequences, and have a CONtingency in place.
Therefore, I'm buying a CONdo instead! If the money doesn't CONveniently appear, I can always resell IT for a profit! I'm CONvinced that real estate CONsistently goes up in price, even with the market's current CONtradictory CONtortions!
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