I offer three "mind blowing" questions.
1. What is China going to do with all that office space?
15 Facts About China That Will Blow Your Mind: Fact #1
"[By 2025,] 40 billion square meters of floor space will be built -- in five million buildings. 50,000 of these buildings could be skyscrapers -- the equivalent of ten New York Cities."
2. Where is China going to find seven more Saudi Arabias?
15 Facts About China That Will Blow Your Mind: Fact #4
If the Chinese, one day, use as much oil per person as Americans, then the world will need seven more Saudi Arabias to meet their demand.
3. How many more years will it take before we've fully mastered perpetual motion technology?
February 21st COVID Update: COVID in Wastewater Declining
[image: Mortgage Rates]Note: Mortgage rates are from MortgageNewsDaily.com
and are for top tier scenarios.
For deaths, I'm currently using 4 weeks ago for ...
3 hours ago
Mr. Fusion.
Gov. Schwarzenegger talks clean fusion energy
...and more than a billion dollars over budget...
It could happen, eventually.
I'm thinking large arrays of solar powered springs could provide us with virtually unlimited green energy.
For some reason, the spring CONstant is very under-appreciated. And because springs come in all shapes and sizes, we can easily package the springs into securities that will meet the needs of almost all investors. You know, something for everyone.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? That's right, the most legendary spring of them all!
Fountain of Youth
The Fountain of Youth is a legendary spring that reputedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks of its water.
Since then the fountain is frequently attached to Florida, and stories it have become some of the most persistent folklore associated with the state.
Oops. That's not it. Let me try again.
Florida condos!!
From last week...
Florida Realtor stats: Existing condo sales explode in 4Q
Realtors know the market, including what’s out there and what the value of the property is,” she said, explaining just one of the ways a professional Realtor benefits consumers. “Moreover, Realtors perform Comparative Market Analysis, or CMA’s, to verify the value of a home.”
They are perpetually verifying the value of homes, for all eternity! It's the ultimate perpetual motion machine.
From 2005...
I expect to make $750,000 on 5 Florida Condos in 6 months!
I'll tell you how I'm doing it at a FREE Breakfast Seminar...
All our problems solved:
Just don't block out the sun entirely like the monoliths tried to in 3001: The final Odyssey!!
I see you have quoted The Wikipedia!
Wikipedia vs. Skynet: How To Tell Them Apart?
The other thing that struck me about Terminator Salvation, and more importantly for our purposes here at The Wikipedia Review, is how much Skynet - the evil AI-based global network bent on destroying the human race using time-travelling robot assassins who look like Austrian body-builders - has come to resemble Wikipedia.And it goes well beyond the mere fact that both Skynet and the Wikimedia Foundation are based in San Francisco, California; after all, most evil AI-based global networks are based there.
Now that is scary.
We could defeat gravity if everyone would throw something into the air at the same time.
Wait a minute, isn't that what the Fed does with helicopters???
Back to reality, today I did it:
Trade Type: BUY
Security Symbol: UUP
Quantity: 840
Price: $23.8
I was a little worried there for a few minutes as it took four blocks to fill the order (WTF?) on only 840 shares. I didn't get the last 40 until 3:59:00! I entered the trade with a limit order @ $23.80 at 3:50:00.
Here's "hope"ing for the future ;-|
"And it goes well beyond the mere fact that both Skynet and the Wikimedia Foundation are based in San Francisco, California"
"Gov. Schwarzenegger talks clean fusion energy"
Damn, and they could have clean fusion energy too.
We're doomed.
good luck! The longer duration auctions set for tomorrow and Thursday should mean a higher dollar to attract buyers. Friday may be very different though!
Off topic.
I saw the movie "Avatar" the other day. I enjoyed the movie especially the amazing 3D graphics.
But get this. About half way through the movie, I decided to remove the 3D glasses....you know, just to see what it would be like. Much to my surprise, the 3D graphics were even better! No joke.
At first I couldn't figure out how I could still see in 3D without the glasses but then it hit me - I've developed halo-vision. I'm thinking it's permanent.
Good luck on the trade!
John Paulson was once asked if TARP was a "con or" something substantial. It was misinterpreted by Skynet. That's why robots were sent back in time to destroy John Connor. True story. It's a fact.
Sarcasm mode still engaged!
Or is it? Queue creepy sci-fi music. Fade to black.
You are able to see the matrix without the glasses? You are the one! You are Neo Mab!
Quick! Download the FDIC Banking program tutorial, gain the knowledge, and then fix everything!
Quick! Download the FDIC Banking program tutorial, gain the knowledge, and then fix everything!
The sysytem can't be fixed from within, it's too polluted.
We have a dysfunctional Government, a bad financial system and a complicit media (ministry of propaganda). You can't build on mud.
Politicians and bankers are focused on short term wealth extraction rather than enabling long term sustainable wealth creation.
We are all batteries. The doom loop matrix grows stronger every day.
NJ Transit monthly train fares are going up about$30/month. In response, a wall streeter complained to me that we simply can't afford to pay for the pensions of public employees. I responded that maybe if Wall St. had delivered the 12% annual investment gains they had promised that the state purse wouldn't be so strained. I also remarked how odd it is that we were able to earmark $13 trillion for bailouts and bank guarantees and yet we can't afford anything else.
As I see it, we are spending trillions to re-flate a looting operation.
Zero accoutability baby! Wuhu!
Agent Smith told me that if I wrote this blog then he would put me back in the Matrix.
Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. The temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. - Agent Smith, The Matrix Revolutions
Don't judge me!! I know I ate the wrong pill.
Way off topic:
Have you played through 'Borderlands' yet?
Yeah, I have played through Borderlands multiple times, using multiple characters. Fun game. :)
Sounds like a pretty good game if you've played through more than once (not unlike my beloved Fallout 3).
I'll have to start checking out the preowned discount section of my mall's Game Stop store for a copy.
mab, another good post.
Did Wall Street really promise 12% returns to the NJ pension fund? I'd like to see a link to that one, I could use that info in the lions den where I argue similar cases.
Anyone have an opinion on the upcoming "The Old Republic" Star Wars game? I do not play video games but I would love a full lenght motion picture of this kind of animation:
Sick as all get out!
was UUP flat this week? Dollar never got a grip it seemed.
This trailer is clearer:
The game won't be out for at least a year more than likely.
I probably won't play it. It's unlikely that it will be released on the Playstation 3, and that's about all I play these days.
I am looking forward to playing Final Fantasy XIII though. :)
Here's a longer term chart of UUP.
Now, if you want just this week with a very short term trend line.
Now you can see why I invest only on market trends and not trading trends. Really, I can't remember the last time I bought something that didn't test my will right away.
Will the dollar take a nosedive or methodically move up? I'm thinking it has good support from continued weak employment and continued weak consumers. Will Mr. Market agree, hey if I know. But sell-stops will save my ass if necessary.
From the linked-report from "Fact #1"
"We project that China will build almost 40 billion square meters of floor space over the next 20 years"
I like how a projection in the original report turns into a "Fact" in the article.
-jus me
jus me,
I knew you'd enjoy heckling that one and I assure you I was heckling it too!
The sarcasm report is 100% sarcasm 100% of the time. :)
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