I was extremely well fed over the 4th and did not have a scale with me. I also ate out more than normal this month. Can you say Salmon Fettuccine? That said, I did stick to the plan.

I continue to be well ahead of schedule. I initially expected it to take 3-4 years to get to the blue zone (and permanently stay there hopefully).
I didn't notice much of a change in June but in July I slept better and my energy level improved. That's always a good thing.
I went on a three hour hike with some friends today. I'm told we climbed 1400' of vertical (in addition to the 200' I climb daily). I would not have even considered doing it two months ago. I can't exactly say that I was the Speedy Gonzalez of the bunch though!
See Also:
The "Free Lunch" Weight Loss Plan v.000
Good job and keep it up. You don't strike me as the kind of person that gives up easily, though, so I am not concerned.
Mr Slippery,
I figure that if I can be motivated enough to climb 20 flights of stairs on a day when I knew I'd be climbing to Poo Poo Point then I can do it any day.
No joke. It really was Poo Poo Point. The picture in the link was pretty much the reward for the trip. We saw 4 paragliders take off while we were there.
Tiger Mountain
Poo Poo Point, a bare shoulder of West Tiger Mountain, is a bare ridge on the west side of Tiger Mountain. The point is named for the sound the steam whistles would make when signaling loggers. The point is a popular launching point for paragliding and hang gliding.
Many trails on Tiger Mountain have wide beds and slope very gently because they are built on the remnants of 1920s logging railroads, long after the rails and crossties were salvaged in the Great Depression.
Great Depression? Ack!
I entered July at 227 and left at 222.
Just a gradual diet + exercise plan like you.
I've done this before (230 -> 180) at 2lb/week but now I'm not biking as much so it's going slower.
But that's fine. Dieting is a marathon not a sprint.
I know the feeling about doing this before. I'm done doing the yo-yo thing. It's only baby steps from here in the hopes that I can make them permanent.
Baby step to four o'clock. Baby step to four o'clock.
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