July 28, 2011
5 Unforeseen Expenses That Can Ruin Retirement
1. Taking up an expensive hobby
That would be unforeseeable.
2. Upgrading your home
As I told you, it would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways unforeseeable.
3. Bailing out an adult child
4. Caring for a parent
5. Supporting a special needs child
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Thursday: Unemployment Claims, Trade Deficit
[image: Mortgage Rates] Note: Mortgage rates are from MortgageNewsDaily.com
and are for top tier scenarios.
• At 8:30 AM ET, The *initial weekly ...
12 hours ago
Unforeseeable!! InCONceivable!!
Yeah, all the punters on the MSM and the internet keep predicting higher Gov't "borrowing" costs. It's amazing that they completely ignore the example of Japan regarding interest rates and Gov't debt to GDP ratios. Apparently, since Japan doesn't square with their pre-CON-ceived notions, they just block it out. Free thinkers - NOT! Even those that do give Japan some thought dismiss it based on some simple minded theories about internal funding. What a crock.
To my knowledge, not one single CONgressman has asked Bernanke to square his forecasts on Gov't debt and interest rates with Japan's experience over the past two decades. That's not an accident - propaganda, especially financial propaganda, is extremely effective.
The MSM "experts" and the financial bloggers would have better track records if they knew how the system actually worked. They should start with this - The Fed controls short term interest rates, and, if they so choose, they can also peg long term interest rates, at least on Gov't securities. I don't know why people can't see things for what they are.
So many financial bloggers just can't let go of their outdated and now invalid views regarding interest rates, the bond market and the role of Gov't debt (it's money not debt!). They just can't admit that they have been grossly wrong about how the system actually works. Unlike the stooges and liars on Wall St. (most of whom don't have a clue either), I think most bloggers have their hearts are in the right place. It's become about maintaining their inflated egos rather than dispassionately evaluating the facts.
Vanity and ego can be dangerous as they can be exploited.
Short-term savers will be beaten until long-term GDP morale improves.
Got infinity?
Locking in a long-term real yield continues to make sense to me. There's still some left. Sigh.
Long-term GDP growth won't be like it's been in the past. Too many headwinds.
Got infinity?
Hahaha! I certainly don't but perhaps Jeremy Seigel does, lol.
Today's GDP report put me in the mood to divide by infinity. The zero bound!
Today's GDP report put me in the mood to divide by infinity. The zero bound!
GDP Growth Tepid in Second Quarter
The new numbers show that, for 2007 through 2010, GDP decreased at an average yearly rate of 0.3 percent.
Yay! Lovecraft time!
We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. - H.P. Lovecraft
Mission accomplished, lol. Sigh.
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