Here's a list of dates when the S&P 500 crossed above the 1200 level (at the close compared to the previous trading day's close).
1. 12/21/1998
2. 4/18/2001
3. 7/12/2001
4. 7/26/2001
5. 12/14/2004
6. 12/21/2004
7. 2/4/2005
8. 2/11/2005
9. 2/24/2005
10. 6/1/2005
11. 6/9/2005
12. 6/13/2005
13. 6/28/2005
14. 7/5/2005
15. 7/8/2005
16. 10/31/2005
17. 9/16/2008
18. 9/18/2008
19. 9/25/2008
20. 4/14/2010
21. 4/20/2010
22. 4/29/2010
23. 5/3/2010
24. 11/4/2010
25. 12/1/2010
26. 8/15/2011
27. 8/29/2011
28. 9/15/2011
29. 10/12/2011
See Also:
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.22
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.23
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.24 (Musical Tribute)
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.25
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.26
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.27
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.28 (Musical Tribute)
Sarcasm Disclaimer
Source Data:
Yahoo: S&P 500 Historical Prices
February 21st COVID Update: COVID in Wastewater Declining
[image: Mortgage Rates]Note: Mortgage rates are from
and are for top tier scenarios.
For deaths, I'm currently using 4 weeks ago for ...
4 hours ago
I forgot about the Rubicon!
I thought for sure 9/15 was the last time..
I was waiting for this!
And I've seen this movie!
I'll bet you a byte this is the last time.
And look at Mish writing about port traffic - I love it when someone else writes about what I already know. Thanks Mark.
My local mall is looking pretty dreary. They don't seem to be preparing for holiday glee at all. (Perhaps bc there won't be any? Oh, I did see the diamond store put red holiday paper under the jewelry. Wheeee.
I thought for sure 9/15 was the last time. last
2. most recent; next before the present; latest: last week; last Friday.
You were absolutely right! 9/15 was definitely the "last" time the 1200 level was crossed. Congrats! ;)
I'll bet you a byte this is the last time.
I must decline. I have an aversion to gambling on "last" chances. ;)
P.S. I spotted that Mish article and immediately went looking for Long Beach port traffic. I anxiously await September's data. The seasonally adjusted LA port inbound traffic looks to be a slight improvement over August. In any event, this does not look like a banner year for holiday sales by any stretch of the imagination. (Or alternatively, everyone will be buying super tiny Apple products that don't take up much space on cargo ships.)
I love the RubinCON line! It never gets old.
And when it comes to RubinCON crossings, the last one is always the penultimate one.
We're stuck in an eCONomic circular ill-logic loop. Nothing a decade or two of misery can't fix.
One more thought. Mish is being a bit sensational with his headline.
The "Unprecedented Drop in Port Traffic" is not exactly accurate. That should be reserved for 2008/2009.
I love the RubinCON line! It never gets old.
Some jokes (on us) only get funnier with age.
Nothing a decade or two of misery can't fix.
We're going to be in stitches before this is over, lol. Sigh.
Ah yes, I forgot what I was betting on. The repercussions of winning that bet are not to my liking. Thank you for the reminder. I was hasty.
I did see that nearly everyone at the mall, in every economic bracket, had a small electronic product in hand. So maybe you are right...
I did see that nearly everyone at the mall, in every economic bracket, had a small electronic product in hand. So maybe you are right...
On the other hand, if "nearly everyone at the mall, in every economic bracket" already owns a small electronic product then...
Why do people feel the need to buy more? I'm not saying they won't. I'm simply saying that I don't embrace the mindset.
I've never regretted the decision to postpone the purchase of an electronic gadget. Buy a Sprint or Nokia product now or forever be priced out? Seriously? ;)
Why do people feel the need to buy more?
Perhaps they're not just trying to keep up with the Joneses, they're trying to be the Joneses.
How about all the Jonese that bum rush into stores at midnight on Black Friday? If memory serves, a guy got trampled to death at a Wallmart last year. A Wallmart for cryin out loud!
I got a mobile phone (= US "cell phone") when they became cheap enough for everyman - what was that, perhaps 15 years ago? My total outlay for hardware has been zero - the first one was bought with vouchers and the others have been hand-me-downs. My total outlay for calls has been about 50 USD. A pay-as-you-go low-tech phone is a marvellous convenience and wonderfully cheap.
I just take this opportunity to thank all the other users who must, I suppose, be subsidising my phone. Luv-and-kisses to you all.
How about all the Jonese that bum rush into stores at midnight on Black Friday?
Free time equals free money to me. As an introvert (and even as a frugal person), the thought of camping out at a store to save a few bucks on a deflating electronic goodie with several hundred/thousand others would be my idea of hell on earth.
I keep procrastinating. The pay-as-you-go low-tech cell phone will most likely be my first cell phone. Someday!
I don't yet feel the need to be constantly connected apparently. Once again, I'm speaking as an extreme introvert though. I admit I'm more than a bit biased. I consider the pager to be one of the world's most horrific inventions (not that I've ever used one).
I'll probably have a nightmare as I sleep tonight based on camping out at a Wal-Mart Black Friday "Buy One Get One Free" pager sale, lol.
RUBICON Returns!
The "RUBICON returns" about 0% on average.
Word pun? Gallows humor? Reality? You make the call! ;)
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