It peaked at 0.97033 in December 1999.
Which maestro orchestrated all that prosperity? Such an impeccable finale! Grandioso! Encore! Encore!
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
I live in the USA and I am concerned about the future. I created this blog to share my thoughts on the economy and anything else that might catch my attention.
The ratio would be 2 to 1 if every employed civilian worked 2 payroll jobs. Maybe that can be our next growth engine if real inflation adjusted wages come down to meet Chinese wages.
That's assuming we can create new jobs of course. We haven't exactly had a stellar track record over the last decade.
Are people going to have time for extra jobs?
Check out this story about "speedup"...
Americans now put in an average of 122 more hours per year than Brits, and 378 hours (nearly 10 weeks!) more than Germans.
From your link...
"McDonald's recently announced that it had gotten more than a million applicants for 62,000 new positions."
That's one scary statistic.
Your trade balance suggestion got me to chase down what happens to all those US dollars going abroad. Yikes!
How long until the US is more than 50% owned by foreign interests?
Your 1% inspiration is causing me 99% perspiration.
The French do not work hardly at all lol.
Mr Slippery,
I hear you!
From your link...
"The trend is not our friend."
Show me one trend that is our friend. Unless one counts the short-term unsustainable performance of the stock market, I'm hard pressed to find one.
The French do not work hardly at all lol.
They are hardly working. Bang bang.
Urban Dictionary: working hard or hardly working
A pathetic attempt at word play and stock phrase of the middle-management careerist asswipe. Often accompanied by finger guns. Bang bang.
Shooting at the walls of heartache BANG BANG!:
I am the warrior
And heart to heart you'll win
If you survive the warrior, the warrior
LOL, nice. Is it bad I love that tune by Patti????? No way.
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