April 1, 2012
Pensions Find Riskier Funds Fail to Pay Off
The Austin Police Retirement System, for example, moved 46 percent of the $505 million it oversees into alternative investments after the 2000 collapse of technology stocks produced steep losses.
Shocking. I specifically recall Jim Cramer saying that technology stocks were the only place to be in 2000.
However, the fund’s choice of investments — real estate in places like Las Vegas and Florida — did not provide much refuge when that bubble burst.
I'm shocked yet again. In 2008, I'm fairly sure that Jim Cramer gave us the green light to invest in Florida's real estate.
February 29, 2000
The Winners of the New World
So, if you can't own the retailers, and you can't own transports, and you can't own banks and brokers and financials and you can't own commodity makers and you can't own the newspapers, and you can't own the machinery stocks, what can you own?
A-ha, that just leaves us with tech. That's why we keep coming back to it. That's why, despite the 80% increase in the Nasdaq last year, we are looking at another record year now. It is by that process of elimination that I have picked my top 10. And my next 10 and my next 10 after. Only those companies are worth owning. The rest?
You can have them.
Most of Jim Cramer's winners of the new world don't even exist any longer, and the ones that do exist aren't exactly hitting new all time highs.
July 24, 2008
CNBC "Mad Money" Host and financial guru Jim Cramer says now is the time to buy real estate on Florida's East Coast on the Regis & Kelly Show that aired 7/24/08.
Eyeballing the chart, I'd say that works out to be a 35% loss since he turned optimistic. That's the one thing we can always count on with real estate. It never goes down as much as technology stocks, lol. Sigh.
Trade Deficit increased to $131.4 Billion in January
The Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported:
The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced
today that the go...
1 hour ago
I haven't had this much fun since the Great Spaghetti Harvest of 1957.
To this day the Panorama broadcast remains one of the most famous and popular April Fools Day hoaxes of all time. It is also believed to be the first time the medium of television was used to stage an April Fools Day hoax.
How is it possible that 23 people disliked the video? The only thing that makes sense is that they were burned by the advice.
The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest hoax generated an enormous response. Hundreds of people phoned the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. To this query the BBC diplomatically replied, Place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.
Hahaha! Gotta love the dry wit of the British. :)
Hopefully you will spot this. My emails aren't getting to you. I've received 8 "Mail Delivery System" emails for the two emails I attempted to send to you. Nothing seems to be getting through.
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