Thursday, May 28, 2015

Frugal Leading Questions of the Day

Amazon sells a 12-count of 5-Hour Energy for $18.78.

That's 157 cents per dose to be kept awake for 5 hours.

Amazon sells a 600-count of diphenhydramine for $9.02.

That's 1.5 cents per dose to be kept asleep for 5 hours.

1. Is being kept awake really worth 100x what being kept asleep is worth?

2. Or do people just love the sensation of 2 ounces of sucralose sweetened liquid hitting the back of the throat?

Just leading questions, your honor!

A free 5-hour Energy Drink has been sitting on our kitchen counter for months. That's probably the closest I will ever come to drinking one. No joke.

And don't even get me started on paying the $2.99 they'd want for one dose displayed near the cash registers of local stores. Money must grow on trees for some people.


Rob Dawg said...

> 1. Is being kept awake really worth 100x what being kept asleep is worth?

The passengers on my late uncle's bus would say so. God rest their souls.

Rob Dawg said...

> And don't even get me started on paying the $2.99 they'd want for one dose displayed near the cash registers of local stores.

Anything between the clearance bakery table and the SNAP card reader at checkout is a rip-off. Except, of course, the World Weekly News!

Stagflationary Mark said...

Rob Dawg,

Eternal slumber for the win?

The World Weekly News? A bargain at any price!
