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Once again, let's take it back to 1984.

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See Also:
40.7 Million Missing Jobs
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: All Employees: Total nonfarm
For cognitive dissonance, let's see what CR had to say about the NFP:
"An encouraging report", "solid seasonal retail hiring", "It appears job growth was spread across more industries in October, and that is good news."
Roses and champagne in one lens, 40 million missing jobs in the other.
Mr. Slippery,
There's only way I can see anyone saying that a report that barely keeps up with population growth DURING AN ECONOMIC EXPANSION can be thought thought of as encouraging, solid, or good news.
That's if we never experience another ECONOMIC CONTRACTION.
I am firmly in the camp that believes that the Fed has NOT permanently put a stop to recessions. Therefore, the employment growth during economic expansions MUST exceed the employment losses during economic contractions or all we will do is tread water over the long-term.
I guess that makes me a slinger of common sense @#$% on the rose-colored glasses, lol.
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