October 3, 2016
Yahoo Finance: Will Retailers Fire on All Cylinders this Holiday Season?
1. gearing up
2. goes without saying
3. leave no stone unturned
4. well on their toes
5. flooding the markets
6. sweep buyers off their feet
7. grab every opportunity
The headline had me hook, line, and sinker. Not bad for just the first two paragraphs of the article either, but keeping the cliché pace up was easier said than done. Perhaps they shouldn't have put all their eggs in one basket? When it comes to clichés, they bit off more than they could chew. Won't see me follow my heart and jump on the bandwagon. No, sir. That dog don't hunt.
Bad Mark. Bad! Bad! Hahaha! :)
The "Home ATM" Mostly Closed in Q4
Today, in the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter: The "Home ATM" Mostly
Closed in Q4
A brief excerpt:
During the housing bubble, many homeowners borr...
2 hours ago
Cliche bait!!! Nice!
I once read an article explaining why the internet has so much click bait. I can't recall the details, but for some reason I can remember that Libby's ,Libby's, Libby's on......... the table, table, table commercial.
One of my worst nightmares would be having someone mention Libby's while I have a stomach flu. Nobody wants a food song stuck in their head at such a time!
Fortunately, I don't have a stomach flu. Whew!
P.S. Which means I may be able to dislodge the song from my brain within an hour or so. Hahaha! :)
Bun seed sesame! Ring any bells? It's their signature dish and I think their signature commercial.
Speaking of signatures, this group needs more.
Democracy in action!
Just when I thought it was safe to read the comments, after finally getting the last song out of my head, you went and special sauced me! Hahaha!
P.S. Don't even get me started on democracy in action. In a nation of gun owners (myself included), still reeling from the lawn dart ban!
If I recall correctly, they had a McDonald's commercial where they recited the Big-Mac song backwards. I wanted to post a link, but couldn't find it with a quick search.
What evs. Everything will be easily accessible once skynet gets out of beta. Our tax dollars at work - NSA et al, protecting our freedoms!
Oh, I almost forgot.
It's easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar.
That's click bait, cliche bait that debates the bait.
It's easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar.
That fly's in the face of common scents!
Would you like flies with that? 50 scents off if you like us on Facebook! Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Bait and switch? Rebate and sniff!
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