Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Thoughts on CPI and Food

Yawn. What about food?

Yawn. What about producer prices for food?


Can't promise that I won't be screaming in abject terror at some point in the future though, especially if I am wrong about the future of ZIRP, inflation, and/or long-term interest rates.


Mr Slippery said...

I found a guy who says he has improved on Shadow Stats to calculate the REAL cpi in 50 US cities. He claims his Chapwood index is based on actual prices of 500 commonly purchased items but he doesn't provide the formula. Also, none of the links on the web site work, and SSL cert is expired.

You might yawn (or worse) at the Chapwood index.

Stagflationary Mark said...

If I didn’t know better, I’d say the Chapwood index is trying to sell me something that I really don’t need.

YouTube: Infomercial Montage [First World Problems]

Hahaha! :)

Stagflationary Mark said...


YouTube: A Typical Day in the Life of a First World Citizen [Infomercial Montage]