The following chart shows the 12-month moving average of technical and trade school employment.
Click to enlarge.
It's a rare treat to capture a trend failure real-time! Lucky us! Sigh.
Important Questions of the Day
1. Was it caused by a teacher shortage or a student shortage?
2. Who knew a 3.8% annual growth rate wasn't sustainable?
3. Wasn't ZIRP supposed to prevent these kinds of failures?
4. What else won't ZIRP be able to prevent?
Source Data:
BLS: CES Databases
Wednesday: Architecture Billings Index
[image: Mortgage Rates] From Matthew Graham at Mortgage News Daily: Mortgage
Rates Unimpacted by New Executive Orders
Bonds were thus able to hold onto the...
6 hours ago
well, if the school hires their own recent graduates as faculty and they teach a new generation who go on to become future faculty who then go on to start a technical and trade college and begin to offer technical and trade degrees, with student loans available to all, how long before the first technical and trade university opens its doors?
Nice. Perhaps they can create a technical and trade college PhD pyramid scheme!
October 22, 2014
Pros and cons of the PhD glut
Amid increased competition for faculty jobs in biomedicine, some have suggested cutting the number of PhD students. So when a senior scientist advised against this, the online world took notice. Eve Marder, a neuroscientist at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, argued in the journal eLife that it is hard to predict who will excel in science, so any attempt to limit access to PhD programmes will inevitably exclude potential stars. The reaction was mixed. “Reduce the number of admitted graduate students? Agree with Eve Marder: not the greatest idea,” tweeted Sergey Kryazhimskiy, an evolutionary biologist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. But Mike White, a geneticist at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, argued in a blog post that Marder was “perpetuating the PhD pyramid scheme”.
Emphasis added.
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