40.2 Million Missing Jobs

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All we need to do is get back on trend. The gory details are left for those who sit in ivory towers to figure out. How does one create 40.2 million jobs with just 12.7 million unemployed? I am not a miracle worker!

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Behold the future prosperity!
Seven percent per year [average] real returns on stocks is what I find over nearly two centuries. I don't see persuasive reasons why it should be any different from that over the intermediate run. In the short run, it could be almost anything. - Jeremy Siegel, May 29, 2000
Two centuries! That's what I'm talking about too. First we get employment back on track. Once that is done, the stock market will surely follow.

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If little job growth since 2000 has given us little stock growth since 2000, then just imagine what 10 billion jobs will do. Well, with my plan you won't need to imagine.
7,400%! That's how much growth we should see in nonfarm payrolls by the year 2200. How hard can it be? Simply UNFAIL the trend! Mwuhahaha!
Tier 3 : Certifiably Insane
This is a reminder to the powers that be. We'll need 10 billion permanent jobs that can't be easily automated and/or outsourced away. The year will be 2200 and there will be a temptation to do just that.
See Also:
Solutions to All of Our Problems!
Solutions to All of Our Problems! v.2
Solutions to All of Our Problems! v.3
Solutions to All of Our Problems! v.4
Solutions to All of Our Problems! v.5
Solutions to All of Our Problems! v.6
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: All Employees: Total nonfarm
St. Louis Fed: Inflation Adjusted DJIA
"How does one create 40.2 million jobs with just 12.7 million unemployed"
PAYEMS is jobs, not workers per se.
Give each unemployed person ~3 jobs, et viola.
Specialization is for insects, as the man said.
The actual problems of this economy are obvious to me, as are the solutions.
Problem is the solutions gore some very powerful oxen.
Denmark, Sweden, and Norway pay very high taxes, yet they have the AAA credit ratings and we don't.
We are a nation of children who want big things but don't want to pay for them.
Give each unemployed person ~3 jobs, et viola.
The drug companies just need to invent a pill that alleviates the need for sleep. Genius! ;)
Problem is the solutions gore some very powerful oxen.
I hear that.
We are a nation of children who want big things but don't want to pay for them.
And/or want other people to pay for them. Sigh.
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