NPR: Las Vegas Falls Hard for Twinkies
I have the #2 most emailed story of the Las Vegas Review Journal, the #1 being the obituaries and I think you'll see there's a connection. So this is about recipes involving Twinkies and my favorite one is the Twinkie hot dog...
I do see the obituaries connection.
LA billionaire, Teamsters and baker propose to buy Twinkies maker
Interstate filed for bankruptcy in September 2004 amid declining sales and rising costs. At the time, the company had 54 bakeries and 32,000 employees. It has subsequently closed 13 bakeries and eliminated 7,000 jobs.
At at the close, Interstate shares were at 6.2 cents after earlier reaching a record low of 4 cents.
Declining sales? Rising costs? How very stagflationary of them.
Since You Asked: How many Twinkies in a barrel of oil?
Oh, and: Let them eat Twinkies! We guess-timate a single barrel of oil could produce about 9,524 Twinkies...
Twinkies are the next great thing to hoard. They keep a lot longer than you'd think. Unless they plan on selling them at even a bigger loss it doesn't seem they'll be getting cheaper anytime soon.
Yeah, just trying to handle some year old twinkies. - John McClane, Die Hard, 1988
Wednesday: Housing Starts, FOMC Minutes
[image: Mortgage Rates] Note: Mortgage rates are from
and are for top tier scenarios.
• At 7:00 AM ET, The Mortgage Banker...
8 hours ago
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