Trichet: economy in deepest crisis since WWII
BERLIN (AP) -- The President of the European Central Bank was quoted Saturday as saying that he still sees Europe's economy in its deepest crisis since World War II, or even World War I.
Honesty is not going to turn anyone on. Yuck. Where's the old Trichet? We want him back. We need him back.
December 19, 2007
ECB's Trichet says economic fundamentals remain strong
Trichet also assured the European Parliament's economic and monetary affairs committee that growth fundamentals were in a strong position.
Bounce bounce baby, bounce back to me (you don't need this)
Bounce bounce baby, bounce back to me (you don't need this)
This is it, call it quits with honesty (you don't need this)
Every word is a curse let loose on me
Your mouth it moves but fails to speak
And when you use your lips they better be on me
The lies that tied your tongue in knots
Are the words that grew to hit my spots
So filthy, dialed desire
Swallowed pride but spit out fire
Liars turn me on
Wednesday: CPI
[image: Mortgage Rates] Note: Mortgage rates are from
and are for top tier scenarios.
• At 7:00 AM ET, The Mortgage Banker...
5 hours ago
Another fine example of keeping the charade going.
From the first link...
German news weekly Der Spiegel reported that Jean-Claude Trichet said that since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008 "we have experienced and we are experiencing really dramatic times."
Kool-aid can remove the drama.
It's unbelievable how banksters are CONtinually able to loot the system. They use the same scare tactics every time.
Ooohhh, if we don't immediately come up with another trillion in bailouts for Wall St. then Main St. is going to be unduly harmed. If you think things are bad now, just wait until you see how bad they are if you don't keep enriching us for fraud and impoverishing yourselves and your children with debt.
It's mind boggling how such stupidity/criminality is passed off as "good" policy.
The Fed allowed trillions of fraudulent credit to poison the money supply. Banker fraud is the root cause of the financial crisis.
All ponzi schemes end badly. This one will be no different. Fast and furious or long and drawn out? - I can't say, but I'm certain cost of this epic credit fraud will be enormous.
For those who have lost all hope that leaders are driving blind I have some proof that some have been eating their Wheaties:
Fed's Hoenig says low rates can lead to bubbles
See, these guys are really getting it now. We can all relax knowing that our leaders are on top of the global economic issues as never before.
P.S. - Yes, the date on that article is May 15, 2010, NOT May 15, 1995 and NOT May 15, 2001 ! ! !
Ooohhh, if we don't immediately come up with another trillion in bailouts for Wall St. then Main St. is going to be unduly harmed. If you think things are bad now, just wait until you see how bad they are if you don't keep enriching us for fraud and impoverishing yourselves and your children with debt.
Government for the win!
From your link...
(Reuters) - Keeping interest rates low for a long time can create ripe conditions for dangerous asset price bubbles, a Federal Reserve official said in a Wall Street Journal interview published on Saturday.
1. Trichet says Europe's economy is in a deep crisis.
2. Hoenig is indirectly blaming the Fed's past actions.
What's next? Bernanke tells us that money cannot be printed at essentially no cost to society and that "it" can happen here?
Or do we go straight to human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria?
My latest poll is confirming something that I have long suspected. Dennis Kneale does not appear to be a daily reader of my blog.
Crows and jays top bird IQ scale
Crows and jays are the brain boxes of the bird world...
People tend not to like crows, because they have this fiendish look to them and they're black and they like dead prey.
Let's face it. I've written extensively about dead prey here and the readers of this blog would seem to do well on IQ tests from what I can see.
Perhaps I simply have a crow friendly blog. Who knows! ;)
Ask 100 people if they are smarter than average and 90% will say they are! I think I am in the middle of the Gaussian distribution, unless the subject matter turns to obscure film clips, then I score in the top 1 percentile. Good Ghostbusters line by the way, HA!
If you ask 100 traders if they know which way a stock will move next based on the squiggly patterns of a chart, I would guess 90% would say they do know!
It might just be that the 10% who don't think they are smarter than the average, such as yourself, are the ones who are actually smarter. ;)
If I was to rate myself, I'd say that I am smarter than the average person in analytical games such as Scrabble but dumber than the average person in memory games such as Trivial Pursuit. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
Fortunately, common sense is generally an analytical skill. I offer an example.
Parrot Bites Person - How To Train Your Parrot to Step Up Without Biting
I refer you to the comments.
where can i find stick? Can i find it at pet stores?
Humans have lost their stick finding abilities. Score another one for the crows! ;)
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