Wednesday, May 26, 2010

World Debt Crisis

World debt crisis: eight reasons you should care

1. Because it will impact your neighborhood tool-and-die maker.

2. Because it could affect things at the bank window – again.

3. because your portfolio will rise and fall like the bay of fundy.

4. Because it could affect how the world deals with that mercurial North Koreanfellow, Kim Jong-Il.

5. Because if it happens to them, it can happen to us.

6. Because no easy solutions to the crisis exist that won't affect jobs and possibly mortgage rates.

7. Because the U.S. approach to the problem may increase your tax bill and lower your Social Security check.

8. Because you'll be able to say 'i told you so.'

The entire article is well worth the read.

Bay of Fundy

In July 2009, the Bay of Fundy was named as a finalist for the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

Hopewell Rocks

The large volume of water flowing in to and out of the Bay of Fundy modifies the landscape surrounding it.

Meanwhile, advancing and retreating tides and the associated waves have eroded the base of the rocks at a faster rate than the tops, resulting in their unusual shapes.

Here's what Hopewell Rocks look like up close. Marketing


Stagflationary Mark said...

SPAM deleted.

EconomicDisconnect said...

Line of the week was Timmy G telling the Euro zone they need to make unsustainable budget issues sustainable. Of course we are worse off, but we got the reserve currency baby!!! Do You Know Who the F#ck We Are? (DYNWTFWA)

The US Drinks the World Debt milkshake!

Stagflationary Mark said...


"Line of the week was Timmy G telling the Euro zone they need to make unsustainable budget issues sustainable."

No joke! I suppose that's supposed to be a black swan too, lol. (See my latest post.)