A Bubble Gum for Bologna Lovers That Invites You to 'Blow Your Lunch!'
The pair are manufactured in China for Ford Gum and Machine Company of Akron, New York, and are available at the myriad Heavenly Delights stores, which cater to tourists in Midtown.
How sad is that?
Tuesday: Job Openings
[image: Mortgage Rates] From Matthew Graham at Mortgage News Daily: Mortgage
Rates Recover Some of Last Week's Losses
Bonds are once again paying attention...
11 hours ago
Chewing gum huh?
Well they did do a real bang up job with pet food...
I think I just threw up a little bit, I need some water.
watchtower & GYSC,
'Blow Your Lunch!'
Safer than swallowing it, lol.
GYSC, no kidding!
I had a chance to look at google maps' satellite view over some parts of the world and I was horrified. There are so many rectangular and square farms all over the place. If you look at Canada, there is no untouched land left that can be used for farming. I was amazed at how far north farms reached.
The reason I mention this:
with all the talk of exponential growth, and hormones, I think we are going to reach a point where there wouldn't be enough grain for both human beings and farm animals.
Products like hot dogs contain beef, pork etc..., what is beef? is a cow bone beef? how about ligaments or cow feet? does that count?
I had the chance to enter cow feed companies (utterly disgusting places)... since the mad cows disease outbreak, the passed a law that prohibits feeding cows, cows (imagine that). But it does prevent them from feeding cows, ground pig carcasses that were fed with ground cow carcasses...
long story short, I am disgusted at the meat industry and i mostly eat 100% veg fed animals and wild fish. Such foods were the norm in the past but are now expensive and difficult to find in restaurants.
I had the chance to enter cow feed companies (utterly disgusting places)... since the mad cows disease outbreak, the passed a law that prohibits feeding cows, cows (imagine that). But it does [NOT] prevent them from feeding cows, ground pig carcasses that were fed with ground cow carcasses...
now I am feeling really unwell, thanks for the info!
no vegetarian should ever stop by my site!
(utterly disgusting places)...
Shouldn't that be "udderly" disgusting?
Also, have you ever tried scrapple? It's a Philadelphia/Pennsylvania "delicacy". Similar to spam, but not nearly as well known.
Scrapple is an aquired taste. Most people can't handle it mentally, but once you learn to ignore what it's made of it's actually very tasty. I grew up eating scrapple so in that sense I may be somewhat better prepared than most for the inevitable global depression. At least I have THAT going for me.
Ok, what is with the gross out contest?? I wiki'd scrapple and now I am a bit queasy. Why not pork jowells?
Remember, bologna is just a big hot dog.
Ok, what is with the gross out contest??
Contest? That implies some sort of prize! Woohoo!
“The Piggy Palace”
You really don't want to know why Canadian "health officials issued a tainted meat warning" in 2002. Seriously.
Some things are better left unread. This is definitely one of them.
Here's one for the vegetarians.
Toxic salad: What are fecal bacteria doing on our leafy greens?
Just a note on China's currency 'move': look for the regional currencies to move as well. Taiwan's just appreciated a bit on the news. I'd expect any of the regional countries that compete on the low end with China to do better as well.
Its going be a rocky time trying to increase prices to customers as they scream that their customers won't take a single price increase...year 3 of this saga.
Rumor has it that the Department of Homeland Security will be placing a quarantine on this post's comments.
I should know. I'm starting the rumor!
Homeland Security Advisory System: Current Threat Level
The United States government's national threat level is Elevated, or Yellow.
I'm going to make a bold prediction. We will never see "Low, or Green" in our lifetimes. "Guarded, or Blue" would itself be a miracle.
Chronology of Changes to the Homeland Security Advisory System
Here's one for the vegetarians.
Here's one for the seafood junkies:
Rocky Mountain oysters, the other white meat.
Its going be a rocky time trying to increase prices to customers as they scream that their customers won't take a single price increase...year 3 of this saga.
It's the "new normal".
We'll also be hearing stories someday about how a billion Chinese don't have the resources to all drive gas guzzlers. Someday.
China Will Pay For Currency Move
The vast pool of productive capacity China has created has helped to drive its trade boom. But it has also created a serious problem. An enormous amount of this industrial capacity is uneconomical. Capital has been vastly underpriced, even at these low interest rates.
What happened to the other two major surplus countries--the U.S. of the 1920s and Japan of the 1980s--suggests the resolution of China's overcapacity problem won't be neat and it won't be smooth. Eventually there will be a reckoning; a sudden and massive series of defaults by domestic borrowers that won't be able to raise the income to cover borrowing costs, even at China's depressed levels. Remember, many real-estate investors in China keep their assets empty.
For what it is worth, I'm a believer in the theory.
On China, in the old Red Dawn film:
Jed Eckert: ...Well, who *is* on our side?
Col. Andy Tanner: Six hundred million screaming Chinamen.
Darryl Bates: Last I heard, there were a billion screaming Chinamen.
Col. Andy Tanner: There *were*.
[he throws whiskey on the fire; it ignites violently, suggesting a nuclear explosion]
In the remake Chian invades the US, with no carriers and no air support so that should be dumb.
Beef: It's not just for dinner!
As seen in the link, it's also for chewing gum (and deodorants, and linoleum , and paint, and...)!
You think you're tough for eating beans every day? There's half a million scarecrows in Denver who'd give anything for one mouthful of what you got. They've been under siege for about three months. They live on rats and sawdust bread and sometimes... on each other. At night, the pyres for the dead light up the sky. It's medieval.
There you go quoting a movie that reminds me of why Canadian "health officials issued a tainted meat warning" in 2002! D'oh! ;)
Your link referenced the "National Cattle Women's Association".
A quick Google search yielded nothing. It's a mystery organization - no website or address that I could readily find. My search did yield a former leader of the mysterious guild though.
Weird. Makes me wonder.
Perhaps it is as mysterious as the Illusion of Prosperity Association. I have yet to track down any past presidents or former directors!
As for me and mine, we only eat unicorn.
Tastes like rotisserie chicken but with a hint of marshmallow sweetness
There you go adding fuel to the sarcasm fire. ;)
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