Here's a list of dates when the S&P 500 crossed above the 1200 level (at the close compared to the previous trading day's close).
1. 12/21/1998
2. 4/18/2001
3. 7/12/2001
4. 7/26/2001
5. 12/14/2004
6. 12/21/2004
7. 2/4/2005
8. 2/11/2005
9. 2/24/2005
10. 6/1/2005
11. 6/9/2005
12. 6/13/2005
13. 6/28/2005
14. 7/5/2005
15. 7/8/2005
16. 10/31/2005
17. 9/16/2008
18. 9/18/2008
19. 9/25/2008
20. 4/14/2010
21. 4/20/2010
22. 4/29/2010
23. 5/3/2010
24. 11/4/2010
25. 12/1/2010
26. 8/15/2011
27. 8/29/2011
28. 9/15/2011
We've surfaced again!
Skimming across the sea like a bird on a wing.
See Also:
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.22
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.23
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.24 (Musical Tribute)
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.25
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.26
Crossing the S&P 500's Rubicon v.27
Sarcasm Disclaimer
Source Data:
Yahoo: S&P 500 Historical Prices
Tuesday: Job Openings
[image: Mortgage Rates] From Matthew Graham at Mortgage News Daily: Mortgage
Rates Recover Some of Last Week's Losses
Bonds are once again paying attention...
11 hours ago
Over 30 freighters!
We're bound to sink some of them before we're forced to dive again.
I was just thinking about the Rubicon. Twenty-eight sure is great, but twenty-nine will be divine.
Mr Slippery,
Twenty-nine will be divine, but 30 is purty! ;)
Oh boy, I'll probably regret this - it may cross the "line" (if it does hopefully we can turn back).
A limerick:
There once was a man named Bruno
He said f#%&ing is one thing I do know
A woman is fine
A sheep divine
But a llama is numero uno.
ah phooey, I can't rout for those Germans. No, I'd like to see a nice, big steel-sided Greek fishing ship right in their lane, with miles of fishing cable spread out. Wouldn't really stop them, but would slow"em and cause them some pain.
No way can I cheer on Ackermann and DB and the rise of the Fourth Reich, with British, French and American banks allied with the worst of the fat German bankers.
I'm on the side of the Greeks, lazy, tax-evading, work shy and easy going. My peeps.
That's too much animal pasión! ;)
1. flame (de fuego, pasión)
2. llama (animal)
I'm on the side of the Greeks, lazy, tax-evading, work shy and easy going. My peeps.
If history is a guide, we shall all return to the "safety" of being underwater.
OK Mark,
Once you love a movie, there is no reasoning with you. These uboat guys were the bad mofos and needed to be sunk. In your heart, you know this.
I leave you with this thought from the Blues Brothers....
I don't want to spoil the movie for you, but let's just say that it does not end well for the Germans. ;)
And let's not forget the true heroes.
Burning bridges!
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