Wednesday, May 18, 2016

One Benefit of Trickle Out Economics

Our trade deficit of ~$500 billion per year continues to flood the world with dollars.

I did find an unexpected benefit today though.

May 18, 2016
America's millionaires don't like what they see in the markets or economy

The most alarming move to "safety investments" that Altfest is seeing among clients, though, is people actually putting fences around their houses (country homes in the case of her New York City clients). "Clients are telling me they need $50,000 for a fence. It's not a majority of Americans, but I've heard it more than once," Altfest said.

Alarming? I think not. It takes labor to install fences. American labor. The more money we ship out of the country, the more fences the wealthy may ultimately need.

GDP? Employment? Hello? This isn't rocket science.


mab said...

American labor.

I guess fencing is a job that illegal aliens are unwilling to do.

Teri said...

But they said walls don't work!

Stagflationary Mark said...


You and I both know that the wealthy only hire Ivy League Fencers.

Stagflationary Mark said...


Perhaps it depends on the wall.

More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.

If we build walls on the borders, then we may trap them here. Further, when we all feel the need to flee to Canada, then the walls may trap us too, lol. Sigh.