Sold some VPU @ 151.29 to buy OKE @ 52.68 and KMI @ 16.14.
New IRA asset allocation:
Lured by the high dividends of ONEOK and Kinder Morgan. I'm certainly taking on a lot of risk for an economy in uncharted waters. *shrug*
Tuesday: Job Openings
[image: Mortgage Rates] From Matthew Graham at Mortgage News Daily: Mortgage
Rates Recover Some of Last Week's Losses
Bonds are once again paying attention...
7 hours ago
Wow. You’re suddenly becoming quite the trader. Let me guess… you’re using the Robinhood app now?
There’s no reason for concern mortal human. Mark has not been replaced by an extraterrestrial doppelgänger, nor will the planet you call Earth soon be invaded by a superior species. Ha. Ha ha. ;)
P.S. In all seriousness, I miss the old days of just buying a long-term TIPS and semi-safely holding to maturity. Can’t dwell on the past though. It’s a brave new forced-prosperity world, with absolutely no guarantee of long-term success.
So true. Just try not to fall off that ladder as you reach for yield! I know from personal experience that it really hurts when you hit the ground.
PS. I own a lot of what you’ve recently bought. So “Do as I say, not as I do.”
Fell off a ladder once while cleaning gutters. It’s amazing how much damage you can do to yourself. The funny part is that I fell off on the last step going back down to the ground, once I thought I was safe. Wasn’t the last step though. It was the second to last step. My shin did not appreciate it. At all. Rammed right into the last rung. Swelled up like I had a golf ball surgically implanted.
But hey, at least I didn’t technically fall off a ladder and hit the ground. Just wish I had! Ha!
I've missed three steps on a ladder while carrying a half-full shop vac. Knew as soon as I missed a step that I was going to have a train wreck, so I took the long step to the ground and rolled with it. Sore for about a week, but I didn't break or twist anything, so I'll count that a win.
I missed a trick, though. I should have looked up at my coworker and said, "Help. I've fallen and I can't get up."
Rolling with it was a good plan! From many personal experiences in my younger days, also works well when snowboarding.
My very first snowboarding experience involved al fall. Well, it wasn’t actually snow. I was in a wheat field on top of a wheat truck fully loaded with bales of hay on a steep incline. It was towing a straw blower and the goal was to cover the ground of a recently installed pipeline. There was also a caterpillar pulling the truck, since it was so steep. Every bail of hay decided to slide off off the back simultaneously. I opted to ride the bale I was standing on all the way to the ground. It worked, but it was more miracle than skill. The ride ended with me running at full speed to get off of it. That also worked, and was once again more miracle than skill. Never want to repeat it. Ever! It was a LONG way down. Very thankful that I avoided going under the straw blower. It had small tires. There was no room for me under its axle.
Two others were on top of the truck. One fell but suffered only minor injuries. The other managed to cling to the top of the truck. Left dangling there once the hay was gone. He choose wisely. In hindsight, I was able to laugh it off. The ride down was not even remotely worth the risk. I hope the same will not soon be said of my recent riskier investments!! D’oh!
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