Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Parabolic Trend Failure of the Day: Kansas City Financial Stress Index

Click to enlarge.

Despair.com: Irresponsibility

No single raindrop believes it is to blame for the flood.

Perfect For:

* Individual investors, who blame...
* The business press and CNBC, who blame...
* Wall Street analysts and research firms, who blame...
* Investment bankers and underwriters, who blame...
* Venture capitalists, who blame...
* Entrepreneurs, who blame pretty much anyone but themselves

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: Second Quarter 2009
Financial Stress: What Is It, How Can It Be Measured, and Why Does It Matter?


Increased uncertainty about fundamental value of assets.
Increased uncertainty about behavior of other investors.
Increased asymmetry of information.
Decreased willingness to hold risky assets (flight to quality).

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Kansas City Financial Stress Index


Rob Dawg said...

Increased uncertainty about fundamental value of assets.
? Fundamentals?

Increased uncertainty about behavior of other investors.
? Irrational [ ____ ] ?

Increased asymmetry of information.
? Wall Street insiders?

Decreased willingness to hold risky assets (flight to quality).
? Stimulus fail?

Stagflationary Mark said...

Rob Dawg,

Irrational [ ____ ] ?

I know this one! Irrational exhaustion!

No, wait. My bad. That comes later, lol. Sigh.

I don't understand how some seem to think the future is so bright. Surely not every structural problem was hidden by ninja in some forgotten ancient tomb.

Rob Dawg said...

Pandora's 'other' box?

Stagflationary Mark said...


Just one other? I think Pandora must work at The Container Store. ;)

Anonymous said...

Pandora's 'other' box?

It's here.




Stagflationary Mark said...



We are big believers in integrating a home with its natural environment...

And since the natural environment has pretty much an infinite number of bathrooms (depending on one's urgency), 14 really doesn't seem all that excessive, lol.