``We hope that Myanmar will show restraint, remain calm and not take any actions that will complicate the situation,'' Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters in Beijing. The government there should take steps to ``resolve the crisis,'' he said.
At least 50,000 people demonstrated in Yangon today, AFP reported. Amid six hours or protests, security personnel opened fire and the state media reported nine people were killed, according to AFP. Soldiers and police earlier arrested at least 100 people, the news agency said, and two protestors were shot dead yesterday.
China urging military restraint for civilians seems similar to our Federal Reserve urging monetary restraint for civilians ($83 oil and $740 gold).
China's History of Restraint
Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

Federal Reserve's History of Restraint
Money, Money, Money

They sure look like the same picture to me. One is military oppression. The other is economic oppression. I get the sinking suspicion both will get worse before they get better. But hey, what do I know?

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