February 21st COVID Update: COVID in Wastewater Declining
[image: Mortgage Rates]Note: Mortgage rates are from MortgageNewsDaily.com
and are for top tier scenarios.
For deaths, I'm currently using 4 weeks ago for ...
4 hours ago
Here's something else investors need to know. If Sears was a buy at $150/share, it's a screaming buy now at $22/share.
He's a genius!
I bought three strings of lights. 600 lights total. $60 total. Solar powered outdoor 66 meters. NiMH batteries. Remember when that much battery would cost $60 by itself.? Remember when LEDs were $3/ea? Iz luvz de 'flations!
Okay, somewhat of a luxury item but in a week I'll be enjoying a quality of light that two generations ago would have involved a staff of landscapers and electricians and a whopping electric bill in addition to thousands of 1970 dollars.
Sears is a table pounding screaming bye, bye, bye!
I'm checkin' out, I'm signin' off, don't wanna be the loser and I've had enough.
We're totally in sync on this!! ;)
Rob Dawg,
That's real prosperity and it is totally awesome! I really need to do that as well. Okay, maybe not need. Strong want though. :)
> Okay, maybe not need. Strong want though.
The way I see it: Strong want addressed = happy productivity unit. Happy productivity units even me perform better. It isn't indulgence when the net-net goes up.
Rob Dawg,
That could explain why I have been so incredibly unproductive sice 1999. ;)
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