Thursday, May 5, 2016

This Is Why You Should be Optimistic In 2016!

May 3, 2016
Here's What Usually Happens to Stocks in Years Like 2016

Despite the huge comeback in the S&P 500, investors remain skeptical of the bull rally. If history is any guide, they shouldn't be so worried.

I could not agree more. In fact, I've done my own research looking back at all the years like 2016.

In order to find years like 2016, I first eliminated all years when the yield on the 3-month treasury bill was higher than the current 0.19% and all years when the yield on the 30-year treasury bond was higher than the current 2.66%.

I then eliminated all years that were not election years. I then eliminated all election years when the Democratic front runner wasn't a former first lady with a history of email server problems. I then eliminated all election years when the Republican front runner wasn't a billionaire who starred in a reality television game show and had ties to the casino industry. I then eliminated all election years when both the front runners didn't have justifiably historically high disapproval ratings simultaneously. I then eliminated all years when both candidates didn't love waterboarding as a means of torture.

I then eliminated all years when the US government was running a budget surplus and our country was running a trade surplus. I then eliminated all years when the typical toaster was not made in China.

I then eliminated all years when the bull market in stocks was not at least seven years old. I then eliminated all years when the stock market had not at least tripled during that bull market.

I then eliminated all years when Sears published a Wish Book. I then eliminated all years when I would not have been able to create this blog post with my phone, the same phone I also use to buy stuff on the internet without ever having to talk to an actual human retail salesperson.

I then eliminated all years without a Patriot Act and all years without a Department of Homeland Security.

And do you know what I found? Not once in our country's history has the stock market done poorly in years just like 2016. Not once. That's why you should be as optimistic as I am. And if that isn't enough proof, just check out my horoscope.

Cancer 2016 Horoscope: An Overview – A Look at the Year Ahead

The Cancer Horoscope 2016 foretells that Cancerians will be optimistic and confident during 2016 which will ensure success in their ventures.

It was predicted in 2015 that I would be optimistic in 2016, and here I am expecting the most favorable outcome for the stock market. Coincidence? I think not. Unbridled confidence! Don't let my blog's name fool you!


mab said...

I agree. And 2016 is the year Sears pays off BIG!

Eddie Lampert isn't the next Warren Buffett. Eddie Lampert is the next Eddie Lampert! Take that Berkshire!

Stagflationary Mark said...


And 2016 is the year Sears pays off BIG!

If Sears had paid off Mr. Big a few decades ago, then perhaps Mr. Bond wouldn't have got the better of him. ;)

When I was young and I got my Christmas Wish Book, I used to say live and let live. I know I did. I know I did. I know I did.

But in this ever changing world in which we live in, makes me give up and cry. Sears? Live and let die. Sigh.

mab said...

Eddie Lampert IS Mr. Big Stuff!

2016 moon shot for Sears! WAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! LONG WITH LEVERAGE!!!!

Stagflationary Mark said...

He's big, big, big, in the red, red, red. Big Red!

Big Red, by Bleego, makers of Termite Town.